Clear Creek Canyon 011111

Clear Creek Canyon, west from Golden and Hwy. 6. My friend Rick lives off of Illinois St. in Golden, and told me how beautiful the trail along Clear Creek was, today, with all the newly fallen snow and the creek partially iced over. I took a walk from his place and up the canyon a couple miles, and got these shots in the mid-morning sun. All shots are HDR, merged from RAW (NEF’s) in Artizen.

Missouri Sunset

Exeter, Missouri Sunset PICT2682, originally uploaded by jasonsargo. This is the sunset on the way back from the cemetery in Exeter, Missouri, after my Grandpa Glenn’s funeral in 2006. The colors, the shadows and the virga on a cool evening only lasted long enough for my Aunt to scream, my Uncle to pull over, and me to walk across a Target parking lot to get this shot. I literally only had a minute or so